Wednesday, August 15, 2012

What are you waiting for ?

Yesterday I heard this quiet voice ask me this question.  " what are you waiting for ? " Yes what are we waiting for ? Are we waiting for the Lord to return, or are we waiting for our own lives to be improved by some worldly pursuit ? Are we thinking day by day , or are we getting intangeld by the subtle monster of self ? Take some time today or when you can and look up some verses on waiting , its a good lesson . Ive often thought about how as christians we spend a good deal of our lives waiting . We wait for the fire and the clouds , we wait for the still and quite voice to guide us, we wait upon the Lord as our Shepherd... I would like to sit down at a later time and really think this out, but I was inspired by the question and wanted to get others involved with it. Its almost like two questions, the first... What are you waiting for ? This causes me to think about what I need to do. Then the second. What are you waiting for ? Gives me the push I need to follow through with what needs to be done. May the Lord Bless you today.

And now, Lord, what wait I for? my hope is in thee.   Psalm 39:7

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