Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The Donate Button

How do you feel about asking for donations ? To me it just doesnt seem like the way to go about it, but purhaps im to stubborn here. I sure would like to hear other peoples opinions on this topic. But before we start I will be honest with you I just can't see it in the early Christian writings or in the New Testament.


  1. Greetings,
    I think it is bad to have to ask for donations. I do have a donate button on my site, but I put it on a page that is not visited too much, and a small button at the bottom. People have asked me how they can send me financial help for the site, so I have it there if they want to do that.
    If we have to ask people for money to keep our ministry going, it would probably be best to shut our ministry down until God provides without begging. When He shuts our finances off, there may be a reason. Rather than go begging for money, it would be better to get quiet before God and see if He is trying to tell us something.
    Grace! Mike

  2. Thanks brother I agree with you. God will see to it when its needful.

  3. I agree. And I believe the same about other things too ... like starting a business, buying a home, etc. If it's the Lord's will, HE will provide the way to make it happen.

    I believe this line of thinking has been a safety net for me in various ways.

    God bless.

  4. One more thought I forgot to share ... in today's American society, we can MAKE pretty much anything happen. What do we need the Lord for?! If our hearts are already set on something, we can imagine up in our minds that it's the Lord's will ... but that does not make it so. By waiting on the Lord to literally provide a way, we can save ourselves all sorts of troubles, hardships, and maybe even save ourselves from stumbling and never recovering.

    I pray this makes sense.
