Tuesday, July 17, 2012

System check

Ok ive been woundering about this blog and the others,how many people see them etc. If you would like to give me some feed back, offer some advice, request something to do a blog about, im very open. Moreso im just wanting to know if this is a blessing to souls or not. Thanks for comments in advance.


  1. Brother, you might be surprised how many read your blog and will never say a thing.

    Lord bless you.

  2. Ditto on Joanne's comment. Having been in the publishing arena for about 20 years now, one has to realize that only a very small percentage of people who read magazines, books, and blogs ever write to acknowledge it.
    As far as blogging, seek the Lord what is the best way to spend your time. Perhaps using the time for face to face communication would be better, perhaps not. Only God knows in your case the most efficient means of communicating the good news of the kingdom. Mike

  3. I appreciate your blog, and I'm a floundering soul. It's very good encouragement.

  4. Dear brother, I am glad to read your blog. Give the sisters my love.

  5. Dear Teyo. May God bless your church there. Let's pray for each other that we would each be found with the sheep when Jesus Judges this world on the final day. We love you and would really like to come visit you someday. Your brother Wilbur.

  6. Praise the lord ! I am thankful for all the comments. It helps to know souls are reading this from time to time. Even if just one person was encouraged by it , it would be well worth it. I use my phone mainly to post and that is why there are alot of pictures and few words. I would like to make it better in time lord willing.... Thanks again for all the helpful comments, the sisters miss you sisters aswell, ashley has been having mild contractions and we are like childrem waiting for the gift to come. Pray for sister ashley, we want everything to really go well for her. The lord has really been blessing her with a humble heart to serve her husband and the community.brief update on daniel......he read the real heritics book..... time.....one day.....real theologins book....one day......secret of the strength......two days.....aswell as continually reading the bible.he is really hungering and thirsting for righteousness ! He is one in a thousand for sure.and the lord is opening his eyes to the truth of his word, pray he will be faithful unto the end. Lord bless you all. To you ashley I dont know you but a broken and a contrite heart God will not despise. Humble yourself in the sight of the lord and he will lift you up ! We will be praying for you.

    1. Thanks mike and wilbur. I need to call you brother wilbur soon yes lets pray for the courage to be sheep for the slaughter,HALLELUYAH !

  7. This blog has been a blessing to me. Please keep up the faithful work of our Lord. God bless.

  8. This blog is a blessing!
    I hope that it will continue.
    Love Philip

  9. I check to see if there is anything new on your blog every week. It is one the very few that I enjoy. Your persistence in seeking God's kingdom is a challenge and encouragement to me brother. - Mike R.

  10. I check your blog almost every day. It is an encouragement to me. I admire your faithfulness in following Jesus. It's hard to find others who want to really follow the Lord. I would like you to write more often about how your church community works, how you live together in peace, and how you came to be a community - that would be very encouraging to those of us out here who also seek community.

    1. Thanks mike and anon We really are thankful for everybodys input . Thats a good idea to do a blog about . We are considering recording some gatherings to share with everybody like the brothers in monett.We do have another blog at zionroadcommunity.blogspot.com if anybodys interested. Thanks again, Lord bless br.teyo

    2. Thanks mike and anon We really are thankful for everybodys input . Thats a good idea to do a blog about . We are considering recording some gatherings to share with everybody like the brothers in monett.We do have another blog at zionroadcommunity.blogspot.com if anybodys interested. Thanks again, Lord bless br.teyo

    3. Thanks mike and anon We really are thankful for everybodys input . Thats a good idea to do a blog about . We are considering recording some gatherings to share with everybody like the brothers in monett.We do have another blog at zionroadcommunity.blogspot.com if anybodys interested. Thanks again, Lord bless br.teyo
