Saturday, May 19, 2012

Street preaching

Last night in asheville was the usual scene . Drunkenness poured over a slew of rebellion . One thing that really stands out was a man who came to mock us; his sign read "satan is my lord ". This soul seemed exceedingly troubled in his mind. He shouted something like...."Don't let anybody ever convince you of who you really are". Isn't that the truth about satan? He does not want us to know who we really are. The light makes manifest who we really are . Praise God when the truth shows us where we need help . I've been thinking about how repentance is an opportunity many are refusing . An old saying I heard once goes, "When opportunity knocks, don't knock it"....wise words.
The big purple bus (an obnoxious comedy tour bus which entertains the lost for a fee) pulled up along side us last night. From it blared the song the "Monster Mash". When they noticed the "satan is my lord" sign, the tour guide read it out load with his microphone as he danced to the "Monster Mash". The people cheered the satan sign on with enthusiasm.

Repent for the kingdom of God is at hand.


  1. This is sad. It happens all the time though. Someone will stand alongside brothers with a wicked sign and they get a lot of 'hi-fives', hand shakes, and all sorts of other forms of obvious approval. They mock what is holy and righteous and pure and instead promote wickedness and vile living.

    Woe unto them who call evil good and good evil.
